Touching the Real

Touching the Real

Trauma and ‘normality’

One of the enduring legacies of the London bombings, whose tenth anniversary falls this July, is psychological.  According to a recent BBC news story, ‘hundreds may have been traumatised’1 The key point about this story is that it is referring to people who may have just been ‘passing by’ when …


Research by the mental health charity Mind has shown that people working in the emergency (”blue light’) services are more likely to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) than the rest of the population.1 Perhaps this is hardly surprising bearing in mind the types of situations and sights that …

Trauma and identity politics

There are two ways to think about trauma.  The first, and the one that I’ve consistently emphasised in the writings on this blog, is as a manifestation of the Real, as an encounter with the Real.  In fact, to be traumatised is essentially to touch the Real (or perhaps it …

Freud’s trauma

In the end it all goes back to Freud.  Not that he invented the term ‘trauma,’ far from it.  In fact, it’s instructive to look at how Laplanche and Pontalis introduce the topic of trauma in their entry on the subject in The Language of Psychoanalysis: ‘Trauma’ is a term …